The Story of A Book Found Under Ruins
The Edward Said Public Library
The following video, a talk by Mosab Abu Toha, is about how he founded the Edward Said Public Library. With an introduction by Noam Chomsky. Please watch this video first for background information.
If you saw the video above, you will then be disturbed to read the FB post I retrieved, that Mosab and his family, fleeing from the terrors of the massive bombings of Gaza, has been taken and possibly killed by the IDF. The slaughter of civilians is so shocking it is beyond words.
So much for education and libraries in occupied areas of Israel. After watching the video of Mosab describing the problems of even receiving books for his library, the situation in Gaza becomes more illuminated and certainly pathetic. Previous bombings destroyed libraries, and no doubt the present massive destruction has wiped out all remaining libraries, along with the 20,000 civilians killed so far. Here’s a few photos of past and present destruction.
I will publish further updates as I find them. If anyone has any information about the present status of the libraries and book shops in Gaza please contact me.
Update: The Islamic University in Gaza and its library, founded in 1978 is completely destroyed according to reports on Aljazeera. The President of the University and his family were killed yesterday by their home being bombed in one of the refugee camps, according to another report.