Broadway Goes Beat and Pop Culture
by John Aes-Nihil

Broadway’s New Books Shop
Beatology Vintage/Aes-Nihil Productions Super Store 737 S. Broadway Los
Angles open daily from 10AM to 7PM. Featuring huge collection of Books,
Records, Tapes, Videos, Hi Fashion, Low Fashion the Photography of
Aes-Nihil-Sun Ra, Stooges, VU, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg,
John Waters, NYC Punk Bands, and the Aes-Nihil Collection of Sharon
Tate photos from original transparencies & slides. The only truly
glamorous store left in Los Angeles, amidst the Ultimate Collection of
Remaining Movie Palaces.

Books, collectible and scarce. This Beat’s for you.
UPDATE April 2024 – Sorry to say Book Store Closed Forever!