Here’s the latest from Iliad Book Shop, the good news is that they are open! Visit them soon to support this great bookshop.
Hi Gang!
California’s rollercoaster pandemic ride continues… As of this last week of January, we are allowed to go from maximum capacity of 20% to 25%, meaning that we’ll be able to allow up to 25 customers in the store at a time. As always, please be aware that if we reach capacity (almost a certainty on Saturdays), we will have to ask you to wait outside. Also, as a reminder: you must wear a face covering/mask, practice six-foot social distancing in the store, and please stay home if you have any symptoms of or have been recently exposed to Covid. We have hand sanitizer and gloves available for your shopping security. Sorry, but the bathroom is not available to customers.
Sorry to say that we don’t have new dates yet on when we will resume buying/taking books for credit. If you’d like to donate books, we can give you a hand unloading once you’re in our rear parking lot.
We are making progress on our new Rare Book Room, which will be located adjacent to the main sales counter. Take a look at the photo just below, and you’ll see our dry-walling and painting is now done. Next up: new bookcases to hold those 300 boxes of rarities!
We feel hopeful about 2021, although it’s likely going to be late summer or fall before things start to right themselves again. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy